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I learned so much at LeaderShape, but the one thing that has stuck with me the past few months is number three of our learning agreement.  Number three states that one must embrace the belief in a “healthy disregard for the impossible.”

As a very realistic person, sometimes I have trouble dreaming of the impossible. I see the facts and truths of life and sometimes that gets in the way of believing in great ideas.  LeaderShape has given me the tools to reach for the big ideas and understand that with hard work and help from others, anything can be made a reality.

LeaderShape also allowed me to see the potential and greatness of so many of my peers. I was awed by their dreams, desires, and things they had already accomplished.  Learning their stories made me want to do more, experience more.  The other wonderful thing I learned about my LeaderShape peers is how caring and kind they can be.  As one of the first to get sick that week, the outpouring of kindness and concern truly helped me to feel better!  It was a spectacular week, I only wish that I could’ve experienced every moment!

Experience part of my LeaderShape

Learning to Serve Effectively

Student Government

In three years as an SG member, I've seen my share of positions, Senate bills, obstacles, and teaching moments.  Student Government has taught me to do the work because it will positively affect others, and it has nothing to do with me.  I've learned more about serving others and management than any class could ever teach me. 


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